Learn About Section 8 Housing Lists in Nevada
Nevada Section 8 Housing Lists are available to qualified low-income families who seek affordable housing options. By searching Section 8 house listings near you, you will be able to see the types of opportunities which are available in terms of housing for you and your family.
Before you begin the hunt for a Section 8 rental housing list, start by learning a few key pieces of information about the Section 8 program and how it will affect your application process.
Learn How to Find Section 8 Housing Lists in Nevada
Nevada Section 8 housing lists are available in many of the same places that you will find other real estate listings: apartment guides, newspapers, community board flyers and more. Many prospective renters visit their local Public Housing Authority, or PHA, to receive a list of Section 8 rentals, too. Perhaps the easiest option to search Section 8 house listings is through the internet. An online list of Section 8 houses can be filtered down to perfectly suit your needs, whether through bedroom size, price range or even the desired neighborhood. Get more information about the Section 8 application process by downloading our guide.What Qualifies as a Section 8 Home in Nevada?
Homes on an NV Section 8 rental housing list must pass through inspection by the PHA prior to listing. The houses and apartments on Section 8 housing lists must pass through 13 separate criteria to be listed, which include key areas such as site and neighborhood, access and lead-based paint to name a few. Within these housing quality standards for inspection are subcategories which also must be at acceptable levels to pass. For instance, a few Section 8 rental housing list subcategories that are taken into account include but are not limited to:- The house or apartment must not have any lead-based paint in homes built prior to 1978.
- The house or apartment must not have any leaks from plumbing or pipes which can be a threat to someone’s health.
- The house or apartment must have a water supply free of contaminants.
- The house or apartment must be free of any dangerous air pollutants which threaten the occupants’ health in any form
- The house or apartment must have a structurally sound roof that is also weather-proof.
How Big of a House Can You be Approved for in Nevada?
Before beginning the hunt for Nevada Section 8 housing lists near you, it is important to clarify what size home you are eligible for . While Section 8 housing lists do feature a wide variety of different-sized homes, it is ultimately up to the Public Housing Authority to determine the size home that suits you. Once you receive your voucher with the eligible house size, you may begin searching Section 8 house listings for that size dwelling or smaller. For instance, if the PHA allowed your family a three-bedroom home, then that is the maximum size unit named on the voucher. You may, however, search a Section 8 rental housing list and find a unit smaller than what you are eligible for, which is fine, as long as the utility allowances still fall within the scope and the housing quality standards still apply.Learn About Checking Your Credit Score Before Viewing Section 8 Apartment Listings in Nevada
The first step in securing an apartment on the NV Section 8 rental housing list is to order a free copy of your credit report. Landlords from Section 8 housing lists request credit reports prior to taking on tenants. Search Section 8 apartment listings with ease by checking your credit report first. Review our credit score rankings below to see where you stand.Credit Score Rankings
- 750-850 (Excellent): Credit approval is normally provided with excellent terms and rates.
- 700-749 (Good): Credit approval is usually provided with favorable terms and rates.
- 650-699 (Fair): Credit approval is possible with modest terms and rates.
- 550-649 (Poor): Credit might not be possible. If so, terms and rates will be poor.
- 300-549 (Very Poor): Credit usually is not possible.
Tips for Reading Nevada Section 8 House Listings
Nevada Section 8 house listings use abbreviations to make the listing simpler when illustrating the amenities. Understanding some of the more common abbreviations will make reading Section 8 apartment listings easier for you and your family. For example, a list of Section 8 houses will use “br” instead of bedroom, or “ba” instead of bathroom. Other common abbreviations you will find on Section 8 house listings include:- “la” for living area
- “kit” for kitchen
- “pvt” for privat
- “upr” for upper floor
- “aek” for all electric kitchen
- “dk” for deck